Masaki Iwami

1978 Born in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

After graduating from high school, Masaki studied tourism in New Zealand. Then having traveled in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Japan, and was touched by the kindness and warmth of people in all countries.

In 2003 and 2004, he worked at the tourist information center at Fujinomiya exit of Mt. Fuji. 2005: After working for a publishing company in 2015, he spent 5 years from 2008, at a pilot school in the Philippines.

Masaki Iwami Fuji Sunrise Guide

In June 2014, Masaki has started guiding around Mt. Fuji. The main reason to be a guide is "First Fuji climb with his family when he was 8 years old". Mt. Fuji and his grandfather gifted unforgettable memory for the 8 years old kid. His grandfather is a "Last sherpa on Fujinomiya trail". Masaki is now focused on creating a memorable experience for his clients in his hometown, Fujinomiya, based on the theme of "people" and "nature, starting Fuji Sunrise in 2022.

5 Reasons for Choosing FUJI SUNRISE


We make sure our tours are run safely with utmost care & support to prevent any altitude sickness, hypothermia or injuries by limiting a group size to 7 persons per group.


Our tours are run as private tours to make sure we can accommodate your speed and stamina. We will be more than happy to hear your requests you may have such as departure time or which accommodation to stay in.


Safety is our first priority! We promise you to react any risks on Mt. Fuji, such as hyperthermia, mountain sickness, injury, weather condition etc.


We do our best to remove all your concerns and for you to enjoy the Mt. Fuji experience by helping you to prepare thoroughly and to provide support up till your climb day. We will be happy to host an online session by zoom to resolve any concerns you may


Some of Fuji Sunrise guides are bilingual in English and Japanese. If you have a request for English speaking guides, we are happy to arrange English speaking guide for you. Please feel free to make inquiries in English or Japanese.

Message from Masaki

Mt. Fuji is considered one of the most beautiful and respected mountain in Japan. Fujinomiya local say “Mt. Fuji is not a mountain to climb, only good to view from city". Even though, you will meet many wonderful sceneries and experience once you climb Mt. Fuji.

Majestic sunrise from Mt. Fuji, the Japan's largest shadow "KageFuji", a huge hole at the peak "Tainaiin crater", those natural creatures fascinates so many hikers for so many years.

FUJI SUNRISE’s mission is to provide ‘inspirations for adventure’ to our customers through our Mt. Fuji experience. We support our customers from preparation up until the climbing day and we have welcomed and safely guided many entry-level climbers.

We are honored to support your Mt. Fuji experience. We look forward to challenging Mt. Fuji with you!


FUJI SUNRISE was introduced by『Explorer’s Collection JAPAN』

『Explorer’s Collection JAPAN broadcasted on Discovery Channel UK and Discovery Channel France. For more information, please click here.

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